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Slickarick last won the day on May 11 2018

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About Slickarick

  • Birthday 06/17/1980

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  • Coacheous Professor
  • Location
    East Texas
  • Interests
    Football, Game Theory, Riemann Hypothesis, the Hodge conjecture, Track, Powerlifting and Analyzing game data to put in algorithms to promote a better probability indicator.
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    @thatonguyuknow- may have deleted it.

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  1. Yes. This is true. But in the original voting process to get hired if his dad was on the board that would be the case.
  2. Dad would have to abstain his vote due to relation. so it would be the other voices on the boards call.
  3. LOL..Keeping it closed lipped so far.. FIA could be sent out but the rumor mill will work its way out eventually.
  4. Meeks must have had a great hand in the poker game to get some of these guys to come.. heck of staff they are building.
  5. I belive so but dont quote me
  6. LRA vs Rockdale for 4th place play in game.
  7. Newest name heard is a current bovine once feline..so far five that fit the bill for the job.
  8. Wow.. interesting... may through and axe into the the rumor of a new rider coming into town.. could maybe bet a buck could be called. gonna be interesting.
  9. Maypearl 48 Troy 25 Maypearl vs LRA next round.
  10. Whitney had their moments they were so inconstant. Don't know what all went on this season.
  11. steel mill gonna reopen or potential coaching news?!? be interesting if that's the case.
  12. LRA 52 Mexia 32
  13. Maybe fix the HBC/OC/AD issue...we will see.
  14. Two good names from inside source...1st is another Hymenoptera with a few state titles under their belt and 2nd former line of the Panthera now hominide. 3rd is a former grazing animal, hominid now a line of th3 Panthera. See if anymore intresting candidates come up.
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