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JBizzle last won the day on August 21 2023

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About JBizzle

  • Birthday 09/05/1980

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    Carthage, TX
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    Sports of all kinds.
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  1. So let's say the premise is correct and they are overpaid. How many AD's are there vs. the number of teachers? If we took all the AD's away and spread their salaries across the district educators, what do they get? $1,000 a year raise, at best? I don't think that's solving the world's problems. This is a dumb conversation. Nobody is going to convince the original poster that AD's and sports play a pivotal role in many kids' lives because he doesn't want you to.
  2. I think we have one of the best in Carthage. She's a hard working young woman, who puts in a lot of time! Hope she gets paid well.
  3. Also, does the fact that a higher percentage of the black population plays football equate to there needing to be a higher percentage of black coaches? Does being a great football player make you a good coach? I would argue not. Most of the great coaches I know were not great football players. Good? Yes. Great? No. I would argue that they are almost unrelated. Being able to talk about the experience of playing and teaching from experience is very valuable. Being a leader of men or game planning does not necessarily require you to be a great football player. And I am in no way saying that what's going on right now is based on any of this. As I said before, I know there's gonna be places that will not hire a black or Hispanic head coach regardless of his ability.
  4. This does not seem to be going well...
  5. Are we saying that even though they are less of the population and a lower percentage of the overall coaching ranks, they should make up just as much of the head coaching ranks as white guys? What is the metric we are using to measure this? What I see on this thread, in both directions, is a bunch of people throwing out random information, but no real numbers. If you want to have this conversation, maybe let's start with some real data and see what the numbers say. Then we can move into discussion on reasons why the numbers are what they are. I have no doubt that there are places that wouldn't hire a man based on his skin color, but I also believe that there are places that will hire a man just because of his skin color. I do believe that in this day and time, most schools want the best man for the job, and believe it or not, if there is an AD on the title, it's about more than just being able to coach football.
  6. In the right context, they are helpful for people who are dangerously obese, but they are far overprescribed for us lazy people who don't want to eat right and exercise.
  7. Accomplished a victory by precisely 80 points, it would appear.
  8. Really? So nobody said Surratt was calling plays to make his son the mvp?
  9. He didn't play his best. Theres no doubt about that. But you acting like anyone else could have been out there and done just as well is BS. Let's not forget that he was playing against a pretty good defense.
  10. He hasn't had 100 which is what it would take for 5 catches to make a 5% difference.
  11. Glad Carthage could overcome having a crappy qb and a coach who doesn't call plays to win.
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