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DannyZuco last won the day on August 16

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About DannyZuco

  • Birthday March 2

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    Central North East Texas
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    Anything Political, Sports, and Food.
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  1. How wonderful, you don't mind paying high prices for groceries, well, I would prefer if we didn't have wars, open borders, or high grocery prices......So far, nothing has happened, because he isn't president just yet. So NONE of his promises have been broken.....but when he personally is saying that "it's hard to bring down the price of groceries"....he's already preparing us for one promise broken. So how many more are gonna get broken......that's the real question. Is he a man of his word, or just another politician in sheep's clothing......
  2. They’ll love the changes until certain things don’t happen. Like the price of groceries NOT coming down. As even Trump stated yesterday. Sounds like that’s his first promise to break. But then again he is from New York, a billionaire, and might be saying “let them eat cake”.
  3. Do you really think that politicians are going to slit their own throats with an amendment that cuts their time in DC. And the states can’t get enough together to have a convention of states to provide the people with an amendment. So the quickest way to have term limits is to vote out the fools. But as long as you keep allowing billionaires buy politicians, nothing will change.
  4. Sounds a lot like Doc Holiday---"I'm your Huckleberry".......
  5. Where's this weeks Poll? I rely on you to let me know who the Cowboys are playing.
  6. Already Recruiting....This will get a lot of 17-22 year old boys to UNC.....
  7. Because sometimes things are JUST funny.
  8. Here's to Belichick getting a new job. I wonder if this makes the ACC relevant again in the NCAA Power 4 Conferences? https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/42917765/sources-bill-belichick-finalizing-deal-unc-coach
  9. Come on man, you know it was funny, sometimes you just have to smile or laugh, instead of just insulting the other side of the aisle......
  10. This is what I have always said. If someone wants to change their sex, go ahead, but you do it as a legal adult and on your own dime. Not taxpayer funds.
  11. While I keep hearing about how wonderful other nation’s healthcare is, can you please enlighten us on what the tax rate of these nations is. Can you enlighten us on the home ownership of the same countries. And the life liberties these countries also have. And have you been in the United States lately? Have you EVER seen a government program that ran in the “black”? In any country? Wouldn’t it be great if we could find a not for profit health care provider. But those don’t exist, so we need REAL solutions to reign in the corporate greed of insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Yes, they need to make a profit, but ing over the working class needs to stop. That’s where common sense regulations would help more than government run.
  12. It’ll happen on January 20. Which is better than when it happened on March 3. Imagine Biden there through Spring break.
  13. just have to know which creation yall talked about. The religious creation or the evolution creation? I can’t believe I am actually joining in on the thread. SMH.
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