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blesseddaily last won the day on March 23 2024

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  1. Why would you quote me instead of the clown that did exactly what you were talking about? Just wondering...
  2. Ok, thanks and good luck to the girls!!
  3. Chevyman, I haven't kept up with the girls this year like I usually do...did they play Minny during the regular season this year and if so, how did it go?
  4. Winny over Ponder in a close one!!! Final 55-51
  5. The level of ridiculousness that Biden and the dumbocrats left behind is just unbelievable!!! United States of America President, Donald Trump’s appointed new administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Lee Zeldin, said he has cancelled a Joe Biden-era $50 million environmental justice grant to an organization that believes “climate justice travels through a Free Palestine”. ‘It’s canceled’ – Trump’s team exposes Biden administration’s $50 million gift to group
  6. Your character, or lack thereof, is evident by your comments about coach who poured his heart and time into the athletes of EW only to be treated like garbage...people like you are why good coaches have left the profession...people on the school board or "prominent" citizens who think it's ok to stab people in the back and then brag about it...unfortunately they are in many small schools in Texas...best of luck to Coach Guerra, it hurts for a while, but then God will put you in a much better situation with kids that need the positive influence that you bring!
  7. LETS GOOOO!!! Looks like a pretty decent line-up to me!! Huge upgrade at first base, strong at catcher, shortstop 2nd base...outfield is a wait and see...wouldn't take much for our outfield to be better at the plate than last years performance!!!! DH very strong and bench strength almost non-existent!!! We can still win our division but that's about all I am hopeful for!!
  8. They will regret spending that much money on him...especially if he moves to 2nd base...
  9. Guess you and "edges of the wood" have to justify the action by trying to destroy a man after he's gone...should be a huge red flag for anybody coming in,
  10. I have a life long friend that was very active on the school board there for years and is very well thought of in the community and he has had some pretty strange stories about parental interactions with the athletic department!! He tried to get me to come over there and coach (not football) but things just never seemed right, but I have taken an interest over the years in their football program and kind of came up with the same observations...watched a couple of games last year and always came away with the same thought...how did they just lose to a team with lesser talent? Center has had some very good talent but the one thing that was always missing was discipline...on both sides of the ball...was it the kids fault or was it the coaches fault? Really don't know, just an observation from a neutral party.
  11. Congrats to the Lions and their fans!! I seriously hope he continues the turn around that has begun!!
  12. Just got word that the Chapel Hill/Redwater playoff game will be Monday night @ Marshall...6:30 game time.
  13. I know LE is the #1 seed in D-1 and think Atlanta is the #2 seed in D-1 while Hooks is the #1 seed in D-2 with Redwater is the #2 seed in D-2 for District 14-3A. Haven't heard the playoff pairings yet. Anybody have the final standings for D-13??
  14. Final: Ponder over FW Young Women’s Leadership Academy 74-14
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