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Everything posted by JasonDellaRosa

  1. 1. I'm going to guess the 4-6 record had something to do with it. 2. He was one of 47 linebackers on the ballot 3. 13 of them were their District Defensive MVP (assuming they were all listed as such; sometimes they aren't) 4. 14 of them played on teams that won at least 12 games 6. You can only pick 8
  2. When it comes to voting, there are only two spots for quarterback, so that's a position where it is tougher than all the other main ones
  3. They tied for first place with Pieper and did a coin flip for seeding. Maxpreps has to give them an order despite the tie. I believe it is overall record.
  4. I don't know what their district minutes say but the most common way if the coaches didn't decide on a coin flip would be to play Friday and Saturday. Either a team that went 3-1 or use a coin flip to decide who gets a bye to the second game. The other two play and the loser would be the third seed. Winner plays the other team for 1-2 seeds.
  5. Because of the divisional split, the two teams in the same division are the ones that count in a tie. Sam Rayburn has clinched a Division II spot and Whitewright a Division I spot. Honey Grove doesn't know which it will be because if Bland gets in Honey Grove is D-II and if Tom Bean forces a playin for fourth and beats Bland then it pushes Honey Grove to Division I.
  6. I think that's coming in the next realignment. They just threw it out there this was happening and caught A LOT of people/coaches off guard. Going through the experience this time has put a sour taste in a lot of mouths. There's a lot of cases where there is no reward for winning the district title now because you are playing the runner-up in another district right off the bat instead of the fourth-place qualifier. I haven't seen it out there yet but there are scenarios where its better to throw games to get someone in the playoffs to chance who goes big or small. It's can also be a pain on scouting because if the wrong team sneaks in, it pushes someone to another division on the final day or on a tie-breaker, so teams are stuck scrambling and can't get neutral sites.
  7. Left to be the assistant head coach and tight ends coach at North Dakota.....so Wyoming hired the running backs coach....from North Dakota
  8. I'm not saying they won't have to play up. They were supposed to play Brock and Brock backed out. They tried with Franklin to do a neutral site and it didn't work out. They have tried to play other 4A Division II teams in North Texas and they won't My point in my response is you can't have it either way -- you can't bash them for playing people they probably don't have a chance against because the alternative is they would have back-to-back bye weeks. And I'm sick of all the enrollment talk for five-plus years. The numbers are what they are, if they weren't then they wouldn't be. File a complaint with the UIL if you have proof there's wrongdoing. I take up for them in the paper? I'd love to know how -- all I do is cover them and what they have done. A team that went back-to-back undefeated titles needs no one taking up for them.
  9. The funny thing about this is that if either hadn't found other opponents, it would have been Gunter vs Carthage last week.
  10. So they were just supposed to take three weeks off because no one wanted to play them?
  11. If Gunter wasn't already so banged up, I would think it would be close. But considering who's out, especially on defense, the final score might not be indicitaive if they were both at full strength.
  12. or sometimes you've got to play the only people that will play you
  13. Oh I know it does. I had a coach be reassigned to oversee the textbooks used by the district. My point was for a school district Henderson's size (upper-end 4A high school) they don't have someone in charge of transportation? Security and saftey? Maintenance? Those seem kinda like basic positions, not something to use as a throwaway job.
  14. My question is: Henderson didn't have someone doing that, or overseeing some of those things, in the first place?
  15. I think that's the plan for the next realignment. They wanted this implemented immediately and nobody wanted to go back and change schedules and stuff at this late point. There were a lot of coaches in those sports that were caught off guard this was even going to happen. So I think they will keep it like this for the cycle and then split them.
  16. The top two records are split into separate semifinals and they flip a coin between the other two to see who they will face
  17. 3A Region II https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/555917/results
  18. Whitesboro has a really good chance to move up pending where the cutoff falls. the cutoff this last time was 545, which was unchanged from the prior one, and Whitesboro turned in 508, which was an increase of 43 from the prior realignment. They are trying to pass a bond and as part of the presentation are prjoecting the HS enrollment for the start of the 2024-25 school year as 556. So if the number stays around where it has been the last two cycles, Whitesboro will already be over it with a year to add to it before snapshot day
  19. How many 3A and 2A schools have enough kids to have soccer in the first place?
  20. Gill has been at Gunter for the past five seasons, the last three as the OC. He moved to offense when Coach Wylie left to be Blue Ridge's head coach
  21. The worst are the ones with just logos and no names -- like I know which Eagle you're playing in Week 1 and that Tiger in Week 3
  22. It was Anna listed above
  23. There is one more spot to fill based on where Gunter's bye falls and again it could be a huge name.
  24. Right church, wrong pew
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