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  1. There hasn't been a lot of talk about this job. That surprises me.
  2. I don't think. He's been at some bigger schools before. Been a coordinator for awhile. Comes from a coaching family. When Groveton got beat by Electra in 1985 for the state championship, his dad coached at Electra.
  3. I thought I had heard it was closing this week. Not totally for sure about that though.
  4. Who it is, is on their board agenda for tonight.
  5. Heard there was around 50 applicants
  6. Hope whoever is the new guy, has success. I know there are some good guys on that staff there. Hopefully he will keep them around.
  7. I’ve seen it happen before. I hope they are doing their homework on the applicants.
  8. God bless y’all and the family. I know y’all need all the prayers y’all can get. Especially the family. I know it’s a tough situation. Just know you are in my prayers. I know how hard it’s hurt my buddy and I hope things will get better with time
  9. All I have heard about this young man is a great of kid and young man he was. I pray that the community, students, teachers, and coaches can heal together.
  10. Any guys on staff that might apply for the job?
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