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  1. How in the world can someone take on an announcing job and not know how to pronounce one of the town's names. It is Breemond.
  2. Frankston player about to get 15 if he keeps pushing on players after the tackle. BTW, Rigdon is the real deal.
  3. ...and they may transfer to another school in the county where they know someone.
  4. I'd be surprised if they hire a coordinator...I'm betting on a head coach.
  5. I watched the game with no problems in another stadium.
  6. I've only seen Grapeland in the film provided on this site...but I think if he floats his passes like he did a few times in the video Overton will pick some off. I think it will come down to turnovers, like most big games with comparable teams.
  7. Posted the question at 5:30....found a radio station.
  8. Rigdon moved with his father who was hired at Columbus. I don't know where the rest of the family lives.
  9. Don't know who wins, but something tells me the game will be played in a very short time unless one team goes crazy and throws 5 passes.
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