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JohnnyFootball last won the day on January 2 2024

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  1. Aaaand another call bails out the Eagles on a missed 3rd down.
  2. Yep. And right on cue, what I said would happen happened.
  3. That was clear as day offensive PI. They’ve made 2 bad calls to favor the eagles now. At least one can be reversed on challenge.
  4. Lmaoooo they’re SO mad. I love this time of year when the t shirt fans completely melt down. Its also hilarious how they troll all year and the one time it comes back to them they go absolutely mental and cry victim.
  5. I LOVE when people who have nothing to do with either school call ANYONE “little bro”. It’s the most hilarious, ironic, and delusional thing about it all.
  6. Dunno if it’s dumber than “I know I didn’t go to either school, but one is bad at football so I feel bad for you”, though.
  7. “I didn’t go to a university but the one you went to isn’t good at a sport” is…. certainly a take.
  8. Poor poor Kurt. it’ll be okay, old timer! Oh wait. For you, it won’t.
  9. Ooohhhh yeah he is. Poor fella. Bless his heart.
  10. Daaaang. Not only did you realize your life sucks, but your t shirt football team too, and you’re lashing out. Absolutely hilarious.
  11. Yep. First and goal from the 1 quickly became 3rd and goal from the 8. Why!?
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