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  1. I just looked at Lufkin's schedule. Will anyone even come close to beating them this year?! Looks like they should go 9-1 pretty easily.
  2. See, now I just feel bad for Lufkin. Longview outscoring them like 146-15 in the last 4 meetings has them going back 20 years to the good old days. We've absolutely broke them.
  3. Saw he scored a TD and had a 35 yard run. He's gonna be something special.
  4. Man. Who knew beating LP for the 8th straight time after they bragged about 7 on 7 would send these losers into a 20-year time machine? "Oh, our program has been a joke for 15 years, but hey, we won 20 years ago!"
  5. All kidding aside, Lufkin's defense has finally put it together. They've always had speed but now look like a unit. Longview has a lot to work on, clearly.
  6. After how good he was last year, I definitely didn't expect THAT kind of game. But then again, Kilgore is good.
  7. Hahaha that was kinda what I was referencing. Pack007 and his boy wide rode that pony for a while. So they can enjoy their 7 on 7 win, I guess.
  8. Nope. Sorry that we shattered your hopes and dreams yet again. This was it. You had refs give you a 5th down. You had a better 7 on 7 team (lol), were at home, and supposed to beat us when we had our worst year. And we still won. LMAO
  9. I mean when I was a Freshman I didn't play on the Varsity so how is that an "L" for me?
  10. We just beat you for the 8th straight time. In the middle of that run, we've had multiple semi final appearances and a state championship while Lufkin has been a fart in the wind program. Save it.
  11. From Freshman to Sr year, I went 5-2 against Lufkin. Thanks.
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