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Everything posted by RETIREDFAN1

  1. Slovakia learns that what goes around, comes around......
  2. That's what happens when lefties are elected....they don't care about this nation or the Constitution...all they care about is gaining and amassing as much power as they can.......
  3. I'll pass on the article...nice pic, though.....
  4. What those loons in california do is irrelevant.....let them try that in Texas and see how far they get......
  5. It's a shame that the loons and leftys see the military as a tool to experiment with their social abominations......only NINE more months until we can regain some semblance of control over our country....
  6. I hope he will be as good of a coach as he was a player.....
  7. It was a good race...I wish the track would have been in better shape....Jr. made a great run in the end coming from 10th to 2nd on the final lap.....
  8. I agree with parentofredheads post.....allowing this would be a definite violation of the 10th amendment...this is the type of thing that we are fighting.....we can't give in on even ONE aspect, or we will lose everything.....there is nothing wrong with the health insurance industry....Poor people and elderly are covered by Medicare and Medicaid....most others are covered by insurance at work...the majority of people who don't have health insurance has been shown to be mid to upper class workers who won't pay for the insurance being offered by their company...instead, they want US to pay for their insurance...this is a story that we have to get out there.......
  9. Justice delayed is NOT justice...these guys should get ONE appeal...the appeal process should expire after ONE year, and the sentence should be executed no later than TWO years after conviction......
  10. I agree...now that his huge lie about global warming has been exposed, he's in hiding.....by the way, has anyone noticed that the loons don't call it "global warmin' anymore, but instead its "climate change"....that way they can try to explain the ice and cold.....lies built upon more lies.....
  11. The only Biblical examples of baptism is immersion....sprinkling was added by man, and we are warned several times in the Scriptures not to add anything to or take anything away from the Word......
  12. Just because the NCAA is instituting this change doesn't mean the UIL will adopt it in Texas......There are several NCAA rules that the UIL doesn't force Texas high schools to follow.....
  13. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati...syndication=rss
  14. R. I. P.
  15. Yep..he was the only real conservative in the race...the medias darling, W, was too liberal for me, but we got stuck with him anyway.....another of those 'lesser of two evils' that the "establishment" forces down our throats every election cycle....one day, more people will see the light and vote all of the bums out and start over.....
  16. I'm proud to say I voted for him in the 2000 GOP Primary.....
  17. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=124818 My opinion: it is time to purge them from the party or form a true Conservative Party.......
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_patrick_kennedy
  19. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20100211/ts_ynews/ynews_ts1129
  20. http://www.smoaky.com/forum/index.php?act=...&filter=ALL
  21. District 22 Cushing Douglass Gary Joaquin Martinsville Mount Enterprise Timpson
  22. 1st one voted off: Sugar from the Heroes Tribe.....they got a little cocky in the immunity challenge.....looks like Boston Rob is having some problems going by the previews of next weeks episode.....
  23. I was just being a smart aleck....your original post did say "NFL Championships".... :whome:
  24. Thank you..... :thumbsup:
  25. I really don't see Ireland, Britain, and the Eastern European nations willingly giving up ALL their sovreignty to Belgium....violence and bloodshed will break out all over Europe.....I see this as the beginning of the end of the EU.....
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