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Hookemhorns88 last won the day on October 2 2018

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About Hookemhorns88

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    Anything Longhorns, College Sports or World War II
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  1. I believe that mental health issues have always been around to some degree. However, in today's society people in general are more sensitive to it. In the past the person would have been told to just "suck it up" and "deal with it". Not so anymore. Social media allows for more people to be more aware of issues and, as such, social media also gives everyone a voice and in today's society people often times use social media to gain attention and/or are compelled to share everything about their life.
  2. Could this be just an instance where he is stating that he will be entering the portal once the window opens?
  3. Sark is a fantastic play designer. He is not always a fantastic play caller. He relies too much on the intricacy of a play and everyone doing their job for success. He even said so in his postgame press conference about the toss (if everyone makes their block it will work) play. WRs are good at catching passes, they typically are not good blockers. At times he needs to stick with meat and potato plays and not go with caviar plays of which most people hate anyway.
  4. 100% on Sark for not running it in from the 1. Game up and went with a toss sweep.
  5. The non holding call on 3rd and 8 was huge. Realize holds happen all of the time but out in the open like that it should be apparent and called.
  6. Maybe if the Aggies hadn’t spent all of their money on Jimbo then they could pay off the refs as well.
  7. President Carter may have not been a good president but his humanitarian efforts and other endeavors post-presidency are to be applauded. Several years ago I was on a flight from South Africa. Carter was also on the flight. As soon as we pushed away from the gate he got up and walked the length of the plane down one aisle shaking everyone’s hand before walking back down the other aisle doing the same.
  8. Offensively minded coaches are their own worst enemy. Since they have been anointed as creative play callers it seems that they insist on how clever they can be with the intricacies of their plays thus requiring masterful execution by all players for success versus just lining up and doing something simple that has worked to get to that point.
  9. Sark not playing smart is frustrating which is greater than lack of execution at times like this.
  10. The line judge that is now on the SOC side is horrible.
  11. The refs need to have a talk with the coaches. The players are real chippy.
  12. MVPs should be 72 on D for Carthage and 0 for offense. 8 is also deserving for Carthage on D
  13. Talked to some Columbus fans this morning in the hotel. They said that they do not have a QB or RB coming up next year.
  14. He said something to the ref.
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