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Wild74 last won the day on February 2 2024

Wild74 had the most liked content!


About Wild74

  • Birthday 11/12/1955

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  • Location
    Waskom, Texas
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  1. Need to stay as far away from that quagmire as possible
  2. I hope he does run, good Christian man from what I heard and seen
  3. I don't think you will have to set around watching a soccer game at Waskom after this year....
  4. They need to change the rules where only the GOP can vote for house speaker same would apply if the dimwits ever took control
  5. https://www.dailysignal.com/2025/01/27/fulfilling-reagans-vision-trumps-new-us-iron-dome-project-will-prevent-deaths-rather-avenge-them-expert-says/ Should have been done a long time ago
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  6. That would be one of them
  7. We already have SG1 trained and ready to go now if we can just find that Stargate that Ra left
  8. Helicopter leaving the White House is a great sight
  9. Franklin Graham is almost a duplicate of his daddy
  10. Republicans will drag black folks across the economic line whether they want to come or not.
  11. One of my favorites I always wondered if that wack job gets a cut everytime they show this meme
  12. Unless there is some basketball players invited Barron is the tallest guy in the room
  13. Those women walking fast in those high heels is impressive
  14. Milley is a traitor he needs to be busted back to 2nd Lieutenant since he can't go to jail
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