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that's all fine and good, but the best thing for you all to do as a community is to realize that whether you like how it happened or not, you ended up with a home run hire and you should all put that to rest and start moving in the same direction. Sometimes communities don't understand that conversations like this end up at the dinner table and undercut your new head coach before he's ever set foot on campus. If you truly want the best for ND, throw your weight behind this guy and let him go to work.


I don't know who this big wig is....but according to salty1 and tree hugger he has:

1. Single handedly got the coach fired

2. He put the committee together

3. Manipulated an 11 person committee to get his guy to the finals.

4. Directed the school board to turf the field

5. Strong armed the Super to get his guy

6. Convinced the board to hire him


And when the dust all settles, ND has a Chad Morris disciple with 5 State Championships who is a quality person and by all accounts a great coach and a new turf field to boot.


This guy is either John Gotti or needs to run for Presidebt of the United States.

Sounds like someone with a vision and a desire to get things changed and moving in the right direction.


I have no doubt the process was done correctly by the way it was set up. The super was talked to by many including me. He is a calculated man. He took in all the information and made a decision for the school. His track record speeks for itself. He would have walked out before he was "strong armed" into a decision. He doesn't work that way.


Bottom line is we have Robbie Coplin and we will build on it. There are going to be so many more rumors because not everyone can be happy. Did we get the best possible man for the job??? Only time can tell that. Until then..... Keep enjoying giving your opinions of he said she said and I know this because..... Isn't that what makes everything facts???


Word on the street.... The "Big Wig" that you're referring to wasn't the one in that had the "after church" meeting. Again, I didn't say the Coach selected couldn't coach. Just being told the one selected wasn't the ONE over the 3 months, 11 persons committee, 4 students panel, principal, and the sup.

BigWig from Watership Downs



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Been following this a little, but does anyone know whether Copplin, if hired is bringing his own coordinators? Or just using part of the current coaching staff


As a member of the hiring committee the discussion was to bring in the minimum of 2 coaches. This did not specifically mean coordinaters but it will most likely be. He will then evaluate the remaining staff for recommendation on keeping or replacing. Any staff being replaced must also fit into a teaching position available. This could limit who he wants to bring in.


With this being said, the are many rumors that coaching spots will be open. This is not true at this time. All spots are to be evaluated by Coach Coplin and admin before any coach is replaced. This should be complete by the end of march.


My opinion and MY OPINION only. There will be 2 to 3 coaches replaced. I honestly think it will be only 2. Which coaches will be determined later.


So to state a fact per the hiring requirement is 2 coaches are coming in and 2 will be replaced. All positions can be replaced but unlikely. No specific positions are open. Check the school web site for job postings. NONE!


Entire girls side will need to be replaced. One is moving into admin, and the others haven't completed certifications. Boys side is a little more tricky. 3 gone for sure and the 4th or more are a possibility. But yes... He's only guaranteed 2 positions officially...


Entire girls side needs replaced?

1 going into admin?

Certification not completed?


Those are some big statements.

Entire girls side includes 6 coaches.

The admin position has not been created so that is not a definate.

3 of the coaches are new hires.

All coaches are certified teachers and some are working on additional certifications.


You are correct about the boys side in that it is tricky. Yes 2 coaches are confirmed gone. Who? Noboby know for sure until admin and Coplin sit down and evaluate that. Coplin isn't coming in and firing everyone. He does not have that ability by himself. He does have the ability to make suggestions. Any coach he want to replace is also a teacher. Admin has to evaluate those positions also.

You have some good points and good information bit you are leaving out the part of the adminstration being involved. The teaching side of coaching have to fit the needs of the school not just the coaching side.


Rumors hurt communities and this community has had their fair share of them in the past. This is a process that will play put in the next few months. Its not a definite on week one of Coach Coplin being hired.


Tell me where I said, " Coach Coplin was running them out"? Or, "coach Coplin is firing everyone"? Tell me where I said, "Admin had or didn't have say in who was leaving?"


I didn't.



The rest of the stuff you can deny... It will come out in the next few months when the school web site posts jobs or it is seen on thsca job site.


Not posting rumors... Not trying to damage the community. Stating facts.


I stated each of those lines as clarifaction of the process not to state anyone else said it.


I have also clarified my opinion from stated facts of the district. My information van me confirmed by not only the HS principal but the superintendent as well.


Where are your facts coming from on those positions? Can you verify that information as facts or rumors of those positions?


Yes the coming months will tell a lot of facts and dispell many rumors.


Good luck to ND hope it all works out so much drama surrounding this place right now

Thank you! We need some movement forward to help the program and community.

Tree hugger, the only way for you to raise your IQ would be for you to stand on a ladder.


Invest some time and go sit down with the Supt like I did...and stop spewing lies. You don't do anything but stir the pot. If you weren't hiding behind a screen name you wouldn't be so quick to post these rumors.

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HAHAHAHA!!! Higher IQ!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't need a ladder HTaylor.... We've got Trees!!!


I'm truly enjoying how you to feel the need to personally attack me! That's funny!


Never reveal a source.... That's my motto, but this one time I'll open up the mini blinds and let you peak in! The Trees man... The Trees are talking!


HAHAHAHA!!! Higher IQ!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't need a ladder HTaylor.... We've got Trees!!!


I'm truly enjoying how you to feel the need to personally attack me! That's funny!


Never reveal a source.... That's my motto, but this one time I'll open up the mini blinds and let you peak in! The Trees man... The Trees are talking!

LOL You are the man

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