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Do you Really Know Jesus?


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Do You Really Know The Lord?


Thinking about our daily lives, how many people do we really know? I don’t mean how many we interact with on a daily basis. I’m asking how many of those do we really know on a personal level? We may have many people we are acquainted with, but most of the time we don’t really know very many of them on a deep and personal level. Another question is how well do we know Jesus? 

1 John 2:3-11


There are many billions of people who make the claim that they know Jesus, but do they? Do they keep His commandments? Belief alone is not enough to know Jesus.

James 2: 14 - 26


We must add obedience to our faith. Obedience to God is essential to knowing Him. 

Amos 5: 21 - 27

Galatians 5: 16

I John 2: 3 - 5


If we claim to know Him, but don’t keep His commandments, we are liars. We do not truly know Him. Most of His commandments are easily followed. The commands to repent, confess, and be immersed to have our sins washed away are easily followed IF we truly believe Him. 

While most of His commands are easily followed, some are not. In fact, some leave Him because they’d rather follow their own emotions than to follow what Jesus commanded. This was true while He was still walking the earth.

John 6: 60 - 66


These people left because His teaching about consuming His flesh and His blood was too harsh for them. He was saying that their lives must be totally and completely immersed in His Word. They must be completely willing to be worthy disciples. 

Matthew 10: 34 - 39

Luke 14: 26


These teachings by Jesus sound harsh to us. However, what they mean is that if we are to be truly worthy of being His disciples, if we are truly His followers, no one or nothing will matter to us more than Him. So what about those who made excuses? 

Matthew 8: 21 - 22


To know Jesus, we must be His disciples. To be His disciples, we must obey ALL of His Words, not just the ones we are emotionally comfortable with. Peter knew this, and so should we.

John 6: 67 - 69


There are many people who claim that they know Jesus, but do they walk as He walked? Jesus came to do the Will of the Father. 

John 4: 34

John 5: 30

John 6: 38

Luke 22: 42


Jesus came the first time to serve, not to be served.
Matthew 20: 28


He remained faithful to God, the Father, even in death. 

Philippians 2: 5 - 8


Our walk through life must resemble His walk.

Mark 8: 34 - 38

Romans 12: 1 - 2


We must be humble and ready to serve. We must be faithful unto death.
Revelation 2: 10


We must remain faithful to Him, even if doing so is the cause of our death. If we do, then we have nothing at all to fear from death.

Matthew 10: 28


There are many people who claim that the know Jesus, but do they love their brethren? Jesus loved His brethren.

John 13: 1 


We must love our brethren as He loved, or else we do not really know Him.

John 13: 34


Love is essential to knowing God. 

I John 4: 7 - 8


However, we must not allow our love for the brethren surpass or be greater than our love for The Lord. He comes first in ALL things. 


There are billions who claim that they know the Lord and that they are serving Him. Sadly, the vast majority of them are not, and will be surprised come Judgment Day. 

Matthew 7: 21 - 23


For us to really know Jesus, we must keep His commandments. We must keep ALL of His commandments, even the ones that make us feel uncomfortable sometimes. We need to examine ourselves from time to time to make sure that we really, truly, know Him the way that He tells us to know Him. 


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