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We need URGENT prayers! Cooper ran a temp last night of 100.6. TIRR is postponing his transfer because of this. He has to not have a fever higher than 100.3 for 48 hours for them to take him. Please pray specifically for Coopers temp to stay less than 100.3 over next 48 hours AND that they will take him on Sunday🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💙2️⃣2️⃣

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Cooper Update from Mandy Braswell 


Cooper has had a busy week:

Cooper has had his evaluations from different types of therapist and they all are impressed and encouraged with Coopers responses thus far. Cooper has been dressed in his own clothes and this is so much better than a hospital gown!  His physical therapist put a pen in his hand, and he was able to put pen to paper! This is so exciting!  He is working with speech therapy towards communicating wants and needs. He has been able to make purposeful and audible sounds. This is very encouraging! We just know he will be telling us exactly what he wants and needs very soon. Cooper has been able to go without oxygen support for several hours at at time. This is huge and means he is progressing towards coming off of the ventilator. He has participated in music therapy. They tell us that music restructures brain cells. Cooper was able to stop what he was doing and listen to the music. We are so thankful for this. It was obvious he was enjoying the music. They have put Cooper in machines to exercise his legs and Cooper is attempting to work OVER the machines! This is great and we are so grateful for his progress and his strength! We do have specific prayer request needs:

Please specifically pray for:

1) Cooper to continue to make more sounds and purposeful words

2) Medical staff to find a balance with Coopers medications  between calmness and sleep. Right now the meds are sedating Cooper and we want him awake to be able to participate fully in his therapy. 

3) Cooper to tolerate his chair therapy and to continue to increase use of his legs. 

Habakkuk 3:19

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.

Thank you all for your continued prayers! We know and believe in Gods plan for Cooper. As said before, this is a marathon. With all of your prayers and Gods grace.. Cooper will finish the Race. #22

  • Prayers 3
1 hour ago, Lion54 said:

Cooper Update from Mandy Braswell 


Cooper has had a busy week:

Cooper has had his evaluations from different types of therapist and they all are impressed and encouraged with Coopers responses thus far. Cooper has been dressed in his own clothes and this is so much better than a hospital gown!  His physical therapist put a pen in his hand, and he was able to put pen to paper! This is so exciting!  He is working with speech therapy towards communicating wants and needs. He has been able to make purposeful and audible sounds. This is very encouraging! We just know he will be telling us exactly what he wants and needs very soon. Cooper has been able to go without oxygen support for several hours at at time. This is huge and means he is progressing towards coming off of the ventilator. He has participated in music therapy. They tell us that music restructures brain cells. Cooper was able to stop what he was doing and listen to the music. We are so thankful for this. It was obvious he was enjoying the music. They have put Cooper in machines to exercise his legs and Cooper is attempting to work OVER the machines! This is great and we are so grateful for his progress and his strength! We do have specific prayer request needs:

Please specifically pray for:

1) Cooper to continue to make more sounds and purposeful words

2) Medical staff to find a balance with Coopers medications  between calmness and sleep. Right now the meds are sedating Cooper and we want him awake to be able to participate fully in his therapy. 

3) Cooper to tolerate his chair therapy and to continue to increase use of his legs. 

Habakkuk 3:19

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.

Thank you all for your continued prayers! We know and believe in Gods plan for Cooper. As said before, this is a marathon. With all of your prayers and Gods grace.. Cooper will finish the Race. #22

Lord, I come to you humbled and knowing too well that that I fall short of what you ask of me. I ask you please continue to work through the doctors, help Cooper recover, and provide strength for his family. All too often I ask for more without giving thanks. THANK YOU for all you have done with him so far, and thank you for all you will do in the future. 


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Posted (edited)

Thank u! Thank u! I would like everyone to know that we r seeing and hearing your prayers. Because of all of the effects made by so many people. I am able to stay with my wife and son. Susanne is tough but I could not imagine leaving her at this time. We have been bedside with help from family 24/7. God is Good! Thanking all of u for your prayers. 


From Cooper's Dad

Edited by Lion54
  • Prayers 1

This is Cooper 💙

Cooper had a good day. During therapy today he was able to answer yes/no questions appropriately using his head and signs. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 This is one step closer to Cooper being able to tell us his wants and needs. We can’t wait to hear his sweet voice! Please 
Keep praying 🙏🏻💙2️⃣2️⃣ we are so grateful for your support and prayers. We feel them all. 

Proverbs 16:24
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

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7 hours ago, Lion54 said:

This is Cooper 💙

Cooper had a good day. During therapy today he was able to answer yes/no questions appropriately using his head and signs. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 This is one step closer to Cooper being able to tell us his wants and needs. We can’t wait to hear his sweet voice! Please 
Keep praying 🙏🏻💙2️⃣2️⃣ we are so grateful for your support and prayers. We feel them all. 

Proverbs 16:24
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Let’s GO!!!!

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Cooper update 10.17.22

We had a good day today! Cooper was off of the vent all day today. They capped off his trachea, which forces him to breathe out of his mouth and nose. He rocked it!💪🏼 He was able to participate in his therapy sessions without vent support! 💪🏼we are very close to having the trachea removed!🙌🏻
Cooper was also able to identify written words today during speech therapy. We now know he is reading🙌🏻 Cooper is still having some trouble staying awake during therapy. They are continuing to work on his medication regimen. 
Thank you isn’t enough to express our gratitude for your continued prayers and support.. but THANK YOU ALL💙 our prayers are working. Each day, Cooper is chipping away at this mountain. Specific prayer requests: 

1. Trachea to be removed when the time is right. 
2. Medication regimen that will manage Coopers needs and balance his wake/sleep cycle 
3. Calmness, endurance & strength for Cooper. 
4. Knowledge for Coopers medical team. 
5. Successful & purposeful therapy sessions for Cooper. 
6. Strength, faith, rest and peace for Terry & Susanne.

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20-21

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Lord,as the sun comes up this beautiful morning.I ask that you reach down and lift Cooper up,breath new life into him and move him one more step along his journey.I ask that you give solace to his mom and pops too stand strong in the gap as the days continue along during his recovery,the war is never won in a day but by the battles fought daily,o lord give them the strength too stay the course and find the blessings we are afforded by your mercy and grace....

I ask these things in Jesus name..AMEN 



Hi friends... Long post ahead.
Cooper is making great progress and his therapist and doctors are so impressed! Yesterday was a BIG day. He participated well in his therapy. He struggled a little to stay awake for physical therapy, but did really well in speech therapy.  
Trachea- Cooper has been capped off and continuing to breathe on his own through his mouth and nose. PRAISES!
Speech therapy- Cooper had his first sips of water yesterday. He did well. It took him some time, but he did it! He will have a swallow study test this morning. If all goes as expected, he will start getting more water by mouth. 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Cooper was able to communicate that he did know where he was and why he was there. I want to explain a little more about this. Cooper is not verbalizing this... YET!  He is answering questions by using yes or no signs. When asked a yes or no question, he is able to look at the sign to answer the questions.  Cooper is reading word cards.  He does this by looking at the particular sign when asked to identify the word. I wanted to clarify, because many have understood the updates to mean that he is speaking.  He is not YET, but we have no doubt that he will be soon!
Cooper is tested once a week to see how he is progressing. This is physical and cognitive testing. Cooper was tested yesterday, and he had doubled his scoring from last week!! Go Coop!
I do want to ask for specific prayers for something we really have not mentioned before because it did not take precedence. Now that Cooper has improved so much cognitively, this has become the immediate focus. Many of you know that Cooper was experiencing some GI issues prior to his injury. This is in no way related to his injury.  He was scheduled to go for testing prior to his injury.  Now that Cooper is more alert and oriented, he has communicated (through yes or no signs) that his stomach hurts. His stomach has been hurting most of the time. The doctors have decided that in order for Cooper to do his very best in therapy, we need to resolve whatever has been going on with his stomach. He will most likely go for the testing he was originally scheduled for so that they can look in his GI tract and see if they can identify the cause of his discomfort.  We ask you all to please pray that this is something that can be easily fixed and that it does not set his progress back. We believe that God has a bigger plan than whatever this is. We are praying and believing that they will find what is wrong with his stomach and be able to treat him quickly and effectively! Once this issue is taken care of, we believe that he will get to remove the trach. 
If all goes as planned, the physical therapist do want to get Cooper up and standing more soon. We know he will not immediately take off walking, but the more he is able to stand and engage his feet and ankles, the closer he is to taking those first steps.  
The doctors are so impressed with Coopers progress and are just really positive about expectations and outcomes. We know this is all because of GOD! God is the ultimate physician and healer. He is using Cooper. The miracles that have happened since Cooper's injury are just that... MIRACLES! Thank you Jesus and Praise the Lord! 
Thank you all... as said before, there will never be enough words to express our gratitude for your prayers and support.  There just aren't words to describe the "movement" that has happened since September 9th.  The only thing that comes close is GOD.
Keep praying Warriors- God is hearing everyone of them, and he is healing Cooper. Cooper is making improvements every single day.  God loves what we are all doing by coming together and PRAYING.
Specific Request: 
Pray for Coopers GI symptoms- that they are diagnosed and easily treatable. 
Pray for Coopers medication regimen- finding balance between pain control, calmness and alertness
Pray for maximum effort and effective therapy sessions.
Pray for wisdom & understanding for his medical team.
Pray for comfort, rest and peace for Terry, Susanne and Cooper.

Isaiah 53:4-5 AMP
Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains (of punishment)…
And with the stripes (that wounded) Him we are healed and made whole.

  • Prayers 3

Cooper Update 10.21.22
Cooper's lab results that we have been waiting on came back today. He has inflammation in his stomach, but we do not know why. Cooper has been pretty miserable with the pain this is causing. He has not been able to maintain adequate nutrition for optimal healing as a result of his stomach issues. The doctors plan to transfer Cooper to Memorial Hermann, which is the medical hospital associated with TIRR. He will have diagnostic testing done to look at his GI tract to identify what is causing the problems. 
Cooper will most likely be transferred on Sunday, and we are hoping he can have the test on Monday. This is not what we were hoping for, but we know this has to happen for Cooper to get better. 
Right now we covet your prayers.. Please pray specifically for:
1. Smooth transition for Cooper from rehab to hospital setting.
2. Medical staff to be able to accurately diagnose Coopers stomach issue and treat him.  
3. Coopers stomach problem to be easily treated and not set his progress back
4. Cooper to feel better and get back to TIRR Rehab stronger and ready for maximum efforts during his therapy sessions.
5. Rest, peace, faith and strength for Cooper, Terry and Susanne. 
Matthew 17:20
He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Keep praying friends. Cooper and the Reid's need us to be faithful prayer warriors! God is hearing us. This will just be another detail in Cooper's testimony. 

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

  • Prayers 2


Cooper was moved to Memorial Hermann last night around 10:30. It’s was a long night. New environment, new staff, moving him in the middle of the night and the time it takes to get his medications ordered etc… led to Cooper having a very restless and sleepless night. Please pray that they can get his medications on track, and that he, Terry & Susanne can get some much needed rest. Thank you all so much💙 

Matthew 11 28-30
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

  • Prayers 1

Cooper Update: 10.26.22

Cooper had the camera endoscopy study today. We should get results tomorrow on this test and also the pathology report from Tuesday’s exam. We are hopeful for good reports and that he will be transferred back to TIRR very soon. Our specific prayer requests are: 

1. Accurate diagnoses & treatment for Cooper’s GI issues. 
2. When it’s safe for Cooper, a easy transfer back to TIRR without any problems. 
3. Wisdom for Cooper’s medical team. 
4. Rest, Peace, Strength & Faith for Cooper, Terry & Susanne. 
5. God to keep working & showing us his miracles 💙2️⃣2️⃣

It’s been a while since we have done this.. please claim your time! Let us hold each other accountable in faithful prayer for Cooper🙌🏻🙌🏻

Psalm 54:2  ESV
O God, hear my prayer; give ear to the words of my mouth.

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Cooper Update: 10.31.22
Cooper had a great day! He did really well in all of his therapy sessions. When we say well.. remember he spent a week in the hospital, not getting his normal therapy... so he is having to make up for loss time! We know that he can and will get back to where he was, and surpass all expectations very soon! He spent time on the tilt table again today. This gets him in a vertical position and engaging his feet and ankles again. His therapist are very please with his progress and said they feel he looks better than he did before he left for the hospital. This was great to hear!
Cooper was able to communicate (yes or no questions) during speech therapy that he does remember where he is and that he was not in any pain! We are so thankful he is not having stomach pain right now and that his memory is more in tact. 
We do have specific prayer requests: 
Sleep for Cooper. His sleep patterns are all confused! Please pray that he can start getting consistent sleep through the night so that he can give maximum efforts during therapy.
The doctors are wanting to adjust Cooper's nutrition so that he can hopefully start gaining weight and muscle. Pray for wisdom for doctors in choosing his nutrition formula, and that it does not cause Cooper and GI flare ups. 
Tomorrow the doctors will discuss a plan on removing the trach! Please pray that Cooper can have this trach removed as soon as possible. 
Cooper was able to communicate to us that he is still having double vision. Please pray that the patch therapy we are doing for this resolves this issue. 
Thank you all for your continued prayers. We realize how faithful you all are being to pray for Cooper and for Cooper's family.  Your prayers are working and mean so much to us all. We have to keep remembering that this is a marathon. With your prayers and Gods continued Grace, Cooper will finish the race!

"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." ~ Isaiah 40:31

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