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Snow issues detailed rebuttals to media coverage of the president


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It's about time that someone with some backbone exposed the liberal media and called them out on their obvious attempts to make this president look as bad as they possibly can. They need to be called on the carpet for their selective reporting, distortions of the facts, misleading coverage and outright false statements reported in the news almost daily since Bush took office. - KF :whistle:


Bill Sammon, The Examiner

May 11, 2006 7:00 AM (6 hrs ago)


WASHINGTON - New White House Press Secretary Tony Snow is starting off in a combative mode against the press by issuing detailed rebuttals to what he considers unfair coverage of Bush.


“The New York Times continues to ignore America’s economic progress,” blared the headline of an e-mail sent to reporters Wednesday by the White House press office.


Minutes earlier, another e-mail blasted CBS News, which has had an unusually rocky relationship with the White House since 2004, when CBS aired what turned out to be forged documents in a failed effort to question the president’s military service.


“CBS News misleadingly reports that only 8 million seniors have signed up for Medicare prescription drug coverage,” Wednesday’s missive said. “But 37 million seniors have coverage.” On Tuesday, the White House railed against “USA Today’s misleading Medicare story.”


“USA Today claims ‘poor, often minority’ Medicare beneficiaries are not enrolling in Medicare drug coverage,” the press office complained. “But by April, more than 70 percent of eligible African Americans, more than 70 percent of eligible Hispanics, and more than 75 percent of eligible Asian Americans are enrolled or have retiree drug coverage.”


White House sources said Snow, who started on the job Monday and has yet to give his first public press briefing, is determined to aggressively counter what the administration considers unfair assertions in both news and editorials about Bush. At the same time, he is eager to make the notoriously secretive administration more accessible to the press.

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How can you guys possibly cry about bias, when you dont read, or even look for fair sources. You try and find the most radically right wing journalism you possibly can. Its completely contradictory.:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

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What's biased and radical about this report? Bill Sammon is a highly respected and fair minded journalist. Like Bo, your response is typical. You can't look at the substance of what he is saying in his report then evaluate the issues and make an intelligent response. There is nothing contradictory about it, Tony Snow is pointing out the facts you and your liberal buddies don't want to admit or deal with. Like always, you dismiss it with the same tired "rightwing" bashing childish remarks. :whistle:


For once, why not try discussing the merit of the actual topic? . . . if you are capable of anything other than shallow minded evaluation. :w00t:

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Economic progress = Great


Dead Soldiers in Iraq + They never should have had to go int he first place = More Important


New Orleans turning into a 3rd world country, help coming 3 days later = more important


This administration makes it pretty easy for the media to report doom and gloom. And the adminstration is whining about media bias, so that the american people will start ignoring how bad a job they have done, and commend them for putting some extra money into their pockets.

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You are totally missing the point of the article . . . or trying to side step the issue. Let me help you out by pointing you back in the right direction. Tony Snow is CORRECTING the liberal media's MISREPORTING of the issues. He's not going to let them get away with it any longer . . . comprende? The biased media is trying to make everything seem doom and gloom because that's the slant they want to put on everything whether it's true or not. He's not asking to report that everything is roses and wonderful . . . just a COMPLETE and FAIR reporting of the issues.


Expect the White House press corp to be constantly corrected and reminded of their slanted reporting by Tony Snow . . . something they're not going to like very much! You will probably see most of it edited out of his press conferences to keep them from looking like the bunch of biased liberal idiots they are! :whistle::w00t::whistle:

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Originally posted by Colligula

Economic progress = Great


Dead Soldiers in Iraq + They never should have had to go int he first place = More Important


New Orleans turning into a 3rd world country, help coming 3 days later = more important


This administration makes it pretty easy for the media to report doom and gloom. And the adminstration is whining about media bias, so that the american people will start ignoring how bad a job they have done, and commend them for putting some extra money into their pockets.


I seem to remember everyone wanting to brush aside some pretty important issues with the Gigolo In Chief a few years back because what was really important...was the economy! Clinton's entire legacy is based on how economically prolific the US was while he was in office.


I guess this is just more typical liberal doublespeak!:whistle:

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You guys just prove my point over and over again. You call for fairness in the media, but all you mean is that you want the positive stuff reported so that people will forget about how badly this admistration has screwed over our country.


and what the heck does clinton have to do with anything?:coocoo:

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Originally posted by Colligula

You guys just prove my point over and over again. You call for fairness in the media, but all you mean is that you want the positive stuff reported so that people will forget about how badly this admistration has screwed over our country.

Fairness in the media is EXACTLY what this article is all about! :whistle:


You mean how the liberal media has "screwed over our country" by MISREPORTING the news and TWISTING the facts! :w00t::whistle::w00t:

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You and your liberal buddies in the media aren't interested in the facts . . . and you are obviously incapable of defending the liberal media bias. Why? . . because you know as well as I do that Tony Snow is right!


The problem with the liberal mindset is that unless there is a liberal in the White House and Democrats in control of congress the country just couldn't be headed in a positive direction! To libs, a conservative restoring our economy and fighting to defend us from terrorism just can't be a positive thing! :w00t:

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Originally posted by Colligula

Economic progress = Great


Dead Soldiers in Iraq + They never should have had to go int he first place = More Important


New Orleans turning into a 3rd world country, help coming 3 days later = more important


This administration makes it pretty easy for the media to report doom and gloom. And the adminstration is whining about media bias, so that the american people will start ignoring how bad a job they have done, and commend them for putting some extra money into their pockets.




Where would you have started the war on terror?

With a poll?

With a cruise missile that hits an empty tent or an aspirin factory (which by the way intelligence said was a WMD factory)?


In case you had never been to New Orleans before the flood... other than the tourist areas.... it was a third world country before!!


If the Democrats philosophy worked then New Orleans would have been the best more prolific and safest place in the world to live..... instead.... they didn't eve get the drivers to the bus barn.... amazing how the hurrican hit Beaumont and that area and they got folks out and they were not crying for the feds.... I do believe that one mayor was quoted as saying "This is our problem, if we can't handle it the State will be called, if they can't handle it then we can call FEMS." ..... not an exact quote...but you get the picture...

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