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Is D-Line more Conserative or Liberal


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Here's my political views:


Age: 18 years old; Incoming Freshman at Dbl. T University


War on Afghanstan- Support


War on Iraq- Support everything but the handling since the post capture of Saddam


Gay Marriage- Not just the Christian background but because it wold seriously harm the economony and the health industry. Denounce it.


Education- I believe in the work smart and be more comfortable compared to the work long hours. Therefore we need serious tweaking so the schools and education can compete with the world.


For social or big business- Social issues. It's right to help people who truly need health, not twist the system


Gun Control- I believe in pistols and Shotguns... Too bad Texas doesn't legalize a saw-off shotgun


Any other questions you can bring up and I'll answer them to see where my views bring me.

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Originally posted by KirtFalcon

definately conservative


On your signature, I have to disagree on the Clinton as of Bill... Hilary is starting to go wishy washy.

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Under Bill Clinton, the democrats lost majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. They have been loosing elections ever since Bill Clinton took office. He has probably done more harm to the democrats than anyone in recent history since the far left nutcases took control of their party. The dimocrats would be wise to cut them both (Bill and Hillary) lose! :w00t:

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Originally posted by KirtFalcon

Under Bill Clinton, the democrats lost majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. They have been loosing elections ever since Bill Clinton took office. He has probably done more harm to the democrats than anyone in recent history since the far left nutcases took control of their party. The dimocrats would be wise to cut them both (Bill and Hillary) lose! :w00t:


Clinton also got a lot of thingss through with a Republian majority while in office.

The people loved Clinton and most conseratives would have to agree. Bottom line is that ever since Clinton finished his second term, there hasn't been a stout Democrat that actually makes sense. Right now the Democrat party has their head in the sand... heck an Independent could actually make a better run right now. What hurts the Democrat party was not having anyone strong other than Gore as an apprenticeship to take the reigns once Clinton left office and that is SQUARELY on the Democrats themselves. The biggest two things off that second term Clinton did wrong was like under oath about an "oral favor" by Lewinski and not looking into bin Laden.

Hillary on the otherhand is looking more and more like John Kerry. Sad thing is that she could outbeat everyone except maybe Joe Lieberman... and he said if he loses his campaign, he might run as unaffliated.


Far as West Monroe, I have no idea where in but my coach is driving me there.

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Originally posted by woodgie07



What are your thoughts on abortion, big business, Welfare, and Social Security?


Abortion: I believe its wrong... there are a lot of mothers that should of had them but sacrificed theirself for their newborn to live. At the same time, there shouldn't be people making a woman's life rough by choosing that decision by judging her.


Big Business: Needs to take better care of their little guy workers. I hear about people at a certain job in Longview getting 100% raises at high command where as the little ppl don't get squat.


Welfare: I agree to help pay taxes to people that TRULY need the help. There are more and more people though on welfare that twist the system.


Social security: I don't even know how to look at that one.

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