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Vermont "socialist" in lead for U.S. Senate election


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Personally, I kind of like the guy. I know 'socialism' is taboo on this forum, but he's sure got a point:


"I am prepared to stand up to the big-money interests," he said, his voice rising and his signature New York accent growing more pronounced with every syllable. "I am prepared to talk about the growing gap between rich and poor. I'm prepared to talk about the fact that, in many ways, we are becoming an oligarchic society with a few people on top who have tremendous wealth while the middle class is shrinking, people are working very, very hard to keep their heads above water and poverty is increasing.


He added: "How many people do you know in the Senate who talk about that issue? Well, I will talk about that issue."


Now of course, we're talking about someone potentially trying to use taxpayer money to help shrink the poverty level...I know we all have differing opinions on this so lets keep it civil, please!:w00t:

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Originally posted by Colmesneilfan1

Sanders has been in the House for a long time. He will have the same influence in the Senate that he had there......absolutely none. :whistle:


I think he ticks off both Republicans and Democrats equally...not too shabby. I like people who don't mindlessly follow a party's lead on everything.

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Originally posted by Aggie2008

"I am prepared to talk about the growing gap between rich and poor. I'm prepared to talk about the fact that, in many ways, we are becoming an oligarchic society with a few people on top who have tremendous wealth while the middle class is shrinking . . . . poverty is increasing.

I have to strongly disagree with him about the middle class shrinking. Our economy is booming and good jobs are being created, more and more people are buying houses than ever before. Iif anything, middle class Americans have never had so much opportunity. Prosperity won't just jump in your lap, you've got to prepare yourself and look for opputunity. If you work hard and prepare yourself, you can do quite well in America today.


If you want to talk about poverty increasing, I believe you can directly attribute it to socialism and people expecting government to provide jobs, housing, healthcare and all happiness to them on a silver platter. Socialists and liberals have created an entitlement mentality where more and more people are increasingly growing dependant on government to care for them.


Politicians like this guy are what's wrong with America!!! :whistle:

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What has ruined politics is that it has become such a partisan game that nothing ever gets done.


No matter how good a bill or an idea is, the other party will all be against it just because it comes from the other side of the aisle. No matter what the other party says, the other party always rebuts.


Democrats had a negative response ready to put out to the President's speech on Iraq before he even gave it.

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Originally posted by KirtFalcon

socialism is socialism . . . bad for America . . . period! :w00t:


I think you can extend that to the world. Socialism is bad for the world. It creates laziness.


If you know that no matter how hard you work, you can only gain so much, your drive to work will decrease. It's the Laffer Curve reduced to its simplest form.


Look at the work ethic of some socialist leaning European countries and compare it to the United States.

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Originally posted by KirtFalcon

Socialists and liberals have created an entitlement mentality where more and more people are increasingly growing dependant on government to care for them.


You mean how conservatives have exploded the federal government, causing it to infect every facet of our lives, eliminating any resemblance of states' rights or local control?


Neither party is for small government anymore. I completely agree with you Kirt that one of the problems with today is the mentality of "Everybody gets a trophy." Some things in life are meant to be lost, and not everyone is meant to be happy and win in every situation. Some things may come easy but other things won't. That's life.


But I don't believe that's a partisan issue. It's a social issue, and at best as a political issue if you consider it existing due to pork barrell and other agenda driven aims.

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