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Was Clinton a good president?


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I have never been ashamed to be an American... ever! I love this great country to much for my patriotism to be dependent on a President. That being said, I have been much prouder to be an American since President Bush has taken office. Clinton was not a good president. He governed by the polls, drifted from day to day, and constantly triangulated. I'm not saying that he was horrible but he didn't do anything great either. He enjoyed the benefit of being the President during the dawn of the internet age (duh, his vice president invented it) which spawned many new businesses, incomes, etc...). His moral activities were abhorrent. He was/is an excellent politician though.

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Originally posted by KirtFalcon
Originally posted by leopard

President Bush has to many ties to Big Oil. He's getting richer every day he's in office.

You've fallen for that liberal MYTH . . . . hook, line and sinker. It's about as laughable as the Cheney getting rich off the war from Haliburton MYTH.:whistle:
Actually this is the order1.Cheney gets elected with W., gets richer instantly by way of severence package from Halliburton. 2. Halliburton gets rich off no bid contracts.:zorro:
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One thing that was good about the Clinton presidency was that the government had a surplus and a balanced budget. We all may not agree on what exactly the budget spending items should have been, but at least it was efficient and we had the money to pay for government programs.


If we had decided to pay off the national debt instead of tax cuts, I believe that the economy would be booming every bit as much as it is now.


The government spending part of GDP) is based on massive borrowing and not much paying back...kind of like buying a porsche with a mastercard. If we don't start paying this sucker off its just going to loom and loom largely over our economy for years to come. Eventually the creditors will want their money, no? We can't continue to be a borrow and spend economy if we want long term success. I know a lot of you guys probably have had stock prices and 401k values jump through the roof the past few years, but we have to think LONG TERM. It may seem good and right now, but what happens when the borrowing bubble bursts?


One of my favorite quotes: "Only in America do we buy things we don't even want with money we don't have to impress people we don't even like."

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Originally posted by HS1988

Actually this is the order1.Cheney gets elected with W., gets richer instantly by way of severence package from Halliburton. 2. Halliburton gets rich off no bid contracts.:zorro:


I'm wondering where Slick Willie got all that money to buy that nice mansion in New York....... :whistle:

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Actually, Halliburton got more no-bid contracts under the Clinton administration than they did under the Bush administration, but that's not news worthy to the liberal media.


Cheney gives a huge percentage of his income to charity. He's not a greedy man at all. I also believe the value of his severence package has not changed at all based on anything Halliburton has done since he left the company. Cheney didn't leave Halliburton on the best of terms.

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Originally posted by Middle

His Ice Queen wife, that's where. That, or the hundreds of thousands of dollars he makes for doing speeches and his retirement plan... :)


Um huh....I've got some beach front land I'd like to sell you just outside of Phoenix, too......:whome:

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Originally posted by KirtFalcon

Actually, Halliburton got more no-bid contracts under the Clinton administration than they did under the Bush administration, but that's not news worthy to the liberal media.


Cheney gives a huge percentage of his income to charity. He's not a greedy man at all. I also believe the value of his severence package has not changed at all based on anything Halliburton has done since he left the company. Cheney didn't leave Halliburton on the best of terms.

What types of contracts? They could not have fell under defense or military spending, Clinton did not spend any money those, according to some. I dont think anyone at Halliburton lost any sleep when Cheney left for the White House.
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Originally posted by HS1988
Originally posted by KirtFalcon

Actually, Halliburton got more no-bid contracts under the Clinton administration than they did under the Bush administration, but that's not news worthy to the liberal media.


Cheney gives a huge percentage of his income to charity. He's not a greedy man at all. I also believe the value of his severence package has not changed at all based on anything Halliburton has done since he left the company. Cheney didn't leave Halliburton on the best of terms.

What types of contracts? They could not have fell under defense or military spending, Clinton did not spend any money those, according to some. I dont think anyone at Halliburton lost any sleep when Cheney left for the White House.
Halliburton was a major defense contractor long before President Bush took office. As a matter of fact, Halliburton was a favored Pentagon contract source during the Clinton administration providing DOD contract support to Haiti, Somalia, Kosovo and Bosnia and several other places throughout the world.



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Did nothing huh? Let's take a look at the things he accomplished in office...


1993 -


June 14

Clinton nominates Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the Supreme Court; the Senate confirms her two months later.


July 19

Clinton announces that homosexuals can serve in the armed services as long as they are discreet regarding their sexual orientation and do not engage in homosexual acts. The controversial "don't ask, don't tell" policy replaces a 50-year categorical prohibition of gays in the military.


September 13

Israeli leader Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat shake hands at a ceremony on the White House lawn, symbolizing the accord their negotiators had signed minutes before that will take the first steps toward Palestinian self-rule in lands both sides claim as their own.


November 30

Clinton signs into law the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. The law imposes a five-day waiting period and background checks for handgun purchases.


1994 -


February 3

Clinton ends the 19-year-old trade embargo against Vietnam.


May 13

Clinton nominates Stephen Breyer to the Supreme Court; the Senate confirms him two months later.


August 19

Clinton declares that Cuban refugees will no longer be guaranteed residency when they reach the United States.


September 15

Clinton orders Haiti's military regime to step down or face a U.S. military invasion. The regime relents and one month later Jean-Bertrand Aristide -- ousted in a 1991 coup -- is reinstated as president.


April 30

Clinton widens trade embargo against Iran.


July 11

Clinton normalizes relations with Vietnam.


November 21

The presidents of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina sign a peace pact at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. The so-called Dayton Accords bring an end to nearly four years of brutal civil war among Muslims, Croats and Serbs in Bosnia.


1996 -


February 26

Clinton announces new sanctions against Havana after Cuban fighter jets shoot down two civilian aircraft flown by the Cuban exile group Brothers to the Rescue.


1997 -


September 22

Clinton announces at the United Nations his support for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty governing nuclear weapons.


1998 -


April 10

Political leaders on both sides of Northern Ireland's sectarian conflict agree on Good Friday to a tentative settlement brokered by U.S. mediators.


September 30

Clinton announces that the 1998 fiscal year had resulted in the first budget surplus in nearly 30 years.


October 23

In Washington, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat sign the Wye Memorandum authorizing Israeli troop withdrawals from parts of the West Bank.


( Cnn.com - I give credit for )

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You left out the dates and years when he was using Lewinsky as a humidor and hooking up with Flowers and Jones? When were those dates? I believe we could pick good and bad things about all presidents. For me, Clinton just wasn't a good role model for young people. He makes $100,000 per speech so he has plenty of money to buy whatever he wants.

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Originally posted by fareasttexan

You left out the dates and years when he was using Lewinsky as a humidor and hooking up with Flowers and Jones? When were those dates? I believe we could pick good and bad things about all presidents. For me, Clinton just wasn't a good role model for young people. He makes $100,000 per speech so he has plenty of money to buy whatever he wants.

For many, these are the "accomplishments" that defined his presidency.
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Originally posted by Colmesneilfan1

Um huh....I've got some beach front land I'd like to sell you just outside of Phoenix, too......:whome:


When you're making 100 grand a speech, pulling in a fat retirement, and have a rich wife but can't afford a NYC mansion, come talk to me; there's something wrong.

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Well heres my opinion,1. economy great. 2. great domestic policy. 3. shrank welfare rolls. 4. did not take anyones guns, even semi-autos, we can still hunt with an AR15 if we want. 5. did not make it any easier to get an abortion as it already was are still is. 6. balanced the budget. 7. great foriegn relations policy. 8. very intelligent. 9. very electable, extremely high approval rating, would more than likely still be in office if not for term limits,which I am in favor of. Thank God for term limits. 10. withstood the biggest political witchhunt of all times. 11. Smart wife who had a good health care plan that would have been great for everyone eccept ins. co.s. This is just some that come to mind. I guess from what im reading so far he would have been liked even more if he just didn't like the girls so darn much. Anyway thats my opinion.

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1. economy runs in cycles

2. domestic policy was so-so

3. shrank welfare rolls because Republicans forced it.

4. Did ban many types of guns, clips, enforced a waiting period and wanted much more

5. did veto the partial birth abortion ban as well as appoint numerous pro-abortion judges

6. balanced the budget because of Republicans

7.foreign policy was non-existent

8. true but no common sense

9.true but Americans grew weery

10. brought it on himself

11. health care plan was horrible and his wife is a witch

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1.reaped Reagans tax cuts.

2.refer to above

3.refer to above

4.refer to above

5.don't recall,depends on what your definition of "didn't make it any easier is."

6.refer to above

7.Foriegn policy was a joke

8.matter of opinion

9.Slicker than owl poop

10.Lied under oath

11.Wife, dumber than a box of rocks, Health care proposition was socialism, but I do agree he liked the girls.

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