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New World Order


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As long as there are people that will rise against the corruption, they will not win. If anyone studies government, history, economics they will understand that this documentary is somewhat true. What differentiates people is there are those that will stand up against the policies, and will fight against them.


To allow for our freedom, liberty, and justice to fail us will result in an uprising. That is why there will always be bloodshed on the face of the earth. I will never submit to anyone's agenda or politics, but my own thoughts. I believe in a laissez faire government, that is united against other powers that will try to submit my freedom under their rule. I can't nor will I ever be subject to anyone but God. God has made my life abundant, not any man. Men corrupt themselves, and I will have no part of that. I will never subject my fellow man to the bonds of slavery, but for freedom, justice, and liberty.


I will gladly lay down my life for those principles. To think otherwise would to be a sheep, and worse than that a peasant or serf.



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As long as there are people that will rise against the corruption, they will not win. If anyone studies government, history, economics they will understand that this documentary is somewhat true. What differentiates people is there are those that will stand up against the policies, and will fight against them.


To allow for our freedom, liberty, and justice to fail us will result in an uprising. That is why there will always be bloodshed on the face of the earth. I will never submit to anyone's agenda or politics, but my own thoughts. I believe in a laissez faire government, that is united against other powers that will try to submit my freedom under their rule. I can't nor will I ever be subject to anyone but God. God has made my life abundant, not any man. Men corrupt themselves, and I will have no part of that. I will never subject my fellow man to the bonds of slavery, but for freedom, justice, and liberty.


I will gladly lay down my life for those principles. To think otherwise would to be a sheep, and worse than that a peasant or serf.



I agree with you on everything but the laissez faire. In todays modern society, it seems like you need to be a democratic republic to survive. History has proven that communism, socialism, and laissez faire have not worked successfully in. Look at Germany's Third Reich, it was supposed to be able to last a thousand years, yet failed after 12. The USSR failed. China is going to fail eventually. It just doesnt work.

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I agree with you on everything but the laissez faire. In todays modern society, it seems like you need to be a democratic republic to survive. History has proven that communism, socialism, and laissez faire have not worked successfully in. Look at Germany's Third Reich, it was supposed to be able to last a thousand years, yet failed after 12. The USSR failed. China is going to fail eventually. It just doesnt work.


There has never been a laissez faire government, but it has been spoken of. Ronald Reagan tried to implement it, but too many hands were in the pot. Instead people have depended on governments to rule their lives, instead of their own ethics or beliefs. I've looked at those forms of government, and what did they do ? As you pointed out, they failed.


Capitalism hasn't failed, it's only the weak that think it has failed. Why do they think Capitalism has failed, because of their laziness ? I love my parents a lot, they're no longer here on earth. I was dependent on them for 17 years, because they made me dependent on them. Could I have made it without their help ? Probably not in my early years. Once I went out on my own, did I depend on them ? No. Except to tell them that I loved them. I love the United States, but is there a reason that we should be dependent on our Government ?


People are desiring to be ruled, and that's why they elected B.H.O.. Is it because of their need and dependence to follow someone, or be nurtured ? Do people really need to be sheep ? I don't believe in anarchy, and I do believe in laws. However, if the laws that are being passed limit my freedom. I'm going to fight tooth and nail against them.


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