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The Chavezation of America


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The Chavezation of America


The recent visit of the President to Central America and cordial meetings with Hugo Chavez, including the acceptance of an anti-American skreed, have reasonable Americans in a furor. We have to face the fact that Chavez and the Obama are kindred spirits, brothers in thought, as it were.


Hugo Chavez won his first election for President in Venezuela by with popular support and some thuggery. Then he consolidated his base (young underprivileged unemployed criminals) by giving many government jobs and threatening employers into hiring many. Subsequent elections were won through pure thuggery.


Since that first election ten years ago, he's nationalized all but the least important industries, and consolidated his power through open coercion.


Sound familiar?


What makes people think that after 100 days with the kind of changes we've seen, that the Obama will willingly step down from his office?


Next step: The Castroation of America

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Perhaps the next question should be: How is BHO going to emasculate America more ?????


The concept of stars and bars on the American flag puts off a far too aggressive stance, so it will be replaced by a solid pink flag with a beautiful white unicorn on it. :cripple:

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While I am not a fan of Chavez I also think it gets overblown about Obama meeting with him


FDR met with Stalin...Nixon met with Mao Tse Tung and Leonid Brezhnev and so on


we had Soviet-American Summits that basically help diffuse alot of situations


So I have no problem with an intial session



It all depends on WHAT happens in the meetings for me to decide how I feel about it.

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Stalin helped us defeat arguably the greatest evil the world had ever known, and he controlled another super power. Ahamdenijhad, Chavez, and Ortega are pathetic dictators of pathetic countries that we could squash with our pinky toe.

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While I am not a fan of Chavez I also think it gets overblown about Obama meeting with him


FDR met with Stalin...Nixon met with Mao Tse Tung and Leonid Brezhnev and so on


we had Soviet-American Summits that basically help diffuse alot of situations


So I have no problem with an intial session



It all depends on WHAT happens in the meetings for me to decide how I feel about it.

I wonder if FDR took Stalin's copy of the Communist Manifesto, or if Nixon recieved a signed copy of Mao's Little Red Book? And I wonder if Nixon ever stood still for a 40 minute speech by Leonid Brezhnev that berrated and degraded the United States? Chavez' "gift" to Obama was an insult, and in fact, was written as an insult to the United States. And any self-respecting POTUS would have walked out on Ortega's speech.

You're right, it does depend on what happened at the meetings. And these particular meetings were unmitigated disasters.

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So you are telling me that while I was away defending our country, our President stood there while someone blatantly insulted and disrespected the United States? And apparently the POTUS and his administration have had some insults to our country of thier own? Whisky Tango Foxtrot?!?! Someone needs to kick Obama, and his pals, in the junk.

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