The fields with bold titles are REQUIRED. |
Basic Info |
School Name | : Cayuga |
Head Football Coach | : Jacob Magee |
Office phone number | : 903 928 2102 |
Cell phone number | : 9037425773 |
Work e-mail address | : jmagee@cayugaisd.com |
Head Coach Twitter Name | : JakeMagee15 |
Stadium Changes | : New Visitor side bleachers |
Previous Season Summary |
Wins | : 9 |
Losses | : 2 |
Returning Lettermen | : 16 |
Returning Off. Starters | : 7 |
Returning Def. Starters | : 8 |
Team Info |
Team twitter | : CayugaWildcats |
Offensive Coordinator | : |
Offensive Coordinator e-mail address | : |
Defensive Coordinator | : Tony Humphreys |
Defensive Coordinator e-mail address | : thumphreys@cayugaisd.com |
Offensive Formation | : Multiple Wing |
Defensive Formation | : 4-3 |
Background Information |
2023 College Prospects Include position, height, weight, & 40 time.
Example: John Doe RB 5-10, 205, 4.3 | : Whitten Jenkins
OLB, 6'1", 190, 4.63
What do you expect to be your team's biggest strength this season? | : A defense that allowed 10 ppg returns 8 starters. |
What do you see as your team's biggest concern this season? | : Replacing 3 offensive linemen. |
List all previous head coaching & assistant coaching experience. | : Asst. WR Grapeland HS
Asst. WR Palestine HS
Offensive Coordinator Rusk HS
Asst. Special Teams Coordinator/ WR Palestine HS |
List any state titles you've been a part of as a head coach, assistant coach, or player in any sport. | : |
High School | : Palestine |
College/University | : ETBU |
What has been your most exciting moment or game in your coaching career? | : Being undefeated district champs this past season. |
Are your football games broadcast on the radio? | : |
I am always looking for a great human interest or unique story, please share that information with me. | : |
What is the biggest challenge facing Texas High School Football right now? | : School vouchers and the lack of people entering the profession due to pay and comittment. |