1A Oakwood

Coaching Staff Information

Updated for 2023
The fields with bold titles are REQUIRED.
Basic Info
School Name : Oakwood
Head Football Coach : J.J. Johnson
Office phone number : 9035452600
Cell phone number : 9039222407
Work e-mail address : [email protected]
Head Coach Twitter Name :
Stadium Changes : brand new field and field house
turf field, stadium is now located over by the high school
Previous Season Summary
Wins : 11
Losses : 3
Returning Lettermen : 10
Returning Off. Starters : 4
Returning Def. Starters : 3
Team Info
Team twitter : Oakwoodfootball@oakwoodpanthers
Offensive Coordinator : Tommy Tritz
Offensive Coordinator e-mail address : [email protected]
Defensive Coordinator : Tracy Cooper
Defensive Coordinator e-mail address : [email protected]
Offensive Formation : Pistol
Defensive Formation : 3-3
Background Information
2023 College Prospects

Include position, height,
weight, & 40 time.

John Doe RB 5-10, 205, 4.3
What do you expect to be your team's biggest strength this season? : our biggest strength will be team speed. we will be alot quicker and faster than last years team.
What do you see as your team's biggest concern this season? : We are young. We had a few freshmen that played big minutes last year but we are really young
List all previous head coaching & assistant coaching experience. : Palestine- varsity DLine
Cayuga - DC
Grapeland - Special teams Coor, Dline Coach, Linebackers
List any state titles you've been a part of as a head coach, assistant coach, or player in any sport. :
High School : Neches
College/University : Ashford University
What has been your most exciting moment or game in your coaching career? : Probably when I coached at Palestine under Lance Angel and in 2012 we played Carthage at Abe Martin in Lufkin and went down to the wire but we lost 35-31
Are your football games broadcast on the radio? : just playoff games
I am always looking for a great human interest or unique story, please share that information with me. :
What is the biggest challenge facing Texas High School Football right now? : I believe it's officals, there is a great shortage of sport officials at this time.

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