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Everything posted by TwoFeetDeep

  1. If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my Uncle. Injuries are a part of football. Championship teams find a way. Brock did. Congrats to Brock for making history!
  2. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Brock wins.
  3. From my understanding, teams used to pay their deposit and wait to see their pool. If it was not to their liking they would "no show". The committee put the rule in place that if a team "no shows" then they would be suspended for a year. I don't suppose it would have mattered either way but that's a coward thing to do. That SQT was loaded with good teams!
  4. Didn't show? Isn't the rule if a team doesn't show they are suspended for a year?
  5. What were the scores in that bracket?
  6. Can someone please post all the scores?
  7. That's awesome about basketball...but what about finding a football coach...it is June.
  8. Thanks for the post odetoapig. I hope you get the job. Good luck.
  9. Just saying...good luck pal.
  10. Thanks for the post Coach Barker. Best of luck!
  11. Did Timpson ever hire? I apologize if I missed it...
  12. If what pizza says about $$$, I doubt it...
  13. That's great but the new coach might not care that he loves being the DC...
  14. Where is this Baker guy at?
  15. This is big news for Garrison! What are ya'll gonna do? I assume the people your talking about were the assistants? Why wouldn't they go with the coach leaving?
  16. Boys, I've said it all along and have been accused of having "the sky is falling" syndrome, but the proof is in the pudding...schools with soon be privatized and the public system will start chartering. All the good families will run to private schools to avoid their child going to a charter school. It's gonna happen....
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