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Was Clinton a good president?


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Originally posted by ParanoidAndroid
Originally posted by HS1988

Tricked the American people, degraded the office of president,liar, draft dodger, dope head. Sticks and stones. One thing ya have to give credit for, at least it was the American people who actually put him in office.:coolio:


But can't you say those things about Bush as well?

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Originally posted by HS1988

you betcha,reeeeeal masterminds.:rofl:


Karl Rove is one of the most brilliant political strategists America has ever seen. He is the one that started the Republican takeover of America. I can't stand the guy, and can't stand Bush for that matter, but his tactics were flawless. If you can't agree with that, you know nothing about politics.

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Guest bleedsbluengold24
Originally posted by Middle

He accomplished plenty with a Republican congress and countless witch hunts. That's more than Mr. Bush can say with a Congress full of lap dogs at his disposal. And by your logic Bush has inherited any good to come out of the economy.


I feel like Clinton was a meh president. Not real great and not real bad either. Jokes were better on SNL and Leno during his terms than the ones now making fun of Bush.


The downturn in the economy started toward the end of Clinton's term, possibly because he did nothing to sustain the upturn created by the Reagan tax cuts, etc.


Lots of people have laid the recession at the beginning of the President's first term on him. Look at the market history. History doesn't lie. People lie about history.


I will say this. Given the fact that Clinton was a dem and Congress was republican, the Clinton years required the executive and legislative branches of our goverment to find a way to work together.


Was he a good President? Let's see, he gave nuclear technology to China and made it available to North Korea (something we find ourselves in the middle of dealing with now). He ran around on his wife, in the White House, then lied about it. He taxed and spent like there was no tomorrow, while managing to create a so-called budget surplus (many have said that surplus didn't really exist, only on paper), he allowed our newest archenemy to go free when he had the chance to kill him (his claims in his interview with Chris Wallace have already been proven to be disingenious), he bombed an aspirin factory to detract from his aforementioned affair with a White House intern...


Now before you start making comparisons between Clinton and Bush, you didn't ask about Bush. You asked about Clinton.


To finally answer your question. No, he was not. Now, if you had asked if he was a popular President, I have answered with an resounding "YES!". In fact, I think I would enjoy hitting the town with the former President. I think he's probably fun to run around with. But as far as President, sorry.

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